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M-EID program sponsors scientific workshop

Research Achievements

M-EID program sponsors scientific workshop

Scientific Teaching Workshop: The M-EID program sponsored the workshop "Pathways to Scientific Teaching" led by Diane Ebert-May, Professor of Plant Biology at Michigan State University and a pioneer in the area of scientific teaching. The scientific teaching approach encourages faculty to teach science in a way that represents the nature of science and is grounded in the science of teaching--in other words, based on evidence about how people learn. Dr. Ebert-May led a 3-day workshop in December 2009. The workshops were open to M-EID trainees as well as graduate students and faculty from other STEM disciplines. This year's workshop had high attendance at 29 participants, including 7 Trainees, 2 IGERT Associates, and 5 MEID faculty mentors in addition to a number of non-M-EID faculty, post-docs and graduate students. M-EID Trainees will have the opportunity to apply skills acquired from the workshop to a teaching experience required as part of the M-EID experience.