Promoting economic growth in Zambia
Trainee Achievements
Promoting economic growth in Zambia
Gregory Parent completed a research project in Zambia as Lead Economist funded by the Millennium Challenge Corporation & US Department of Agriculture. Zambia has committed to developing Kafue National Park (KNP) to promote and strengthen economic growth and poverty reduction in the greater KNP area. Parent modeled determinants of tourism demand to evaluate potential improvements to the road networks, visitor facilities and services, and the natural capital within and around KNP that will maximize associated benefits. Results identified that improvements to natural resources had the greatest positive shift in demand followed by improvements visitor facilities, and then roads. However, tourists who had had previous experience in KNP indicated a preference for a more remote and rustic experience suggesting that development at KNP would be maximized by zonal approach to provide multiple types of experiences. Results for this project will inform US Government investment strategy in Zambia.
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