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Trainees obtain PhD degrees

Trainee Achievements

Trainees obtain PhD degrees

Three former IGERT Trainees obtained their Ph.D. degrees from the University of Colorado. The first one to graduate was Timothy Gerke (Advisor: Prof. Piestun) who successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Aperiodic Volume Optics" on October 2010. Daniel Feldkhun (Advisor: Prof. Wagner) became the second former IGERT trainee to graduate by successfully defending on November 2010 his PhD thesis: "Doppler Encoded Exitation Patterning Microscopy". The last former IGERT trainee to graduate during this reporting period was Eric Moore (advisor: Prof. McLeod) who on March 2011 successfully defended his PhD thesis: "Advances in Swept-Wavelength Interferometry for Precision Measurements". The tree new PhDs are now working in industry, Dr. Gerke for Fianium, and Drs. Feldkhun and Moore for their own company Chiaro Technologies, a start-up they founded together with a third former CU student.