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GSIs positively impact trainees

Education Achievements

GSIs positively impact trainees

Being Graduate Student Instructors (GSIs) in our CiBER IGERT research-based teaching lab has affected the performance, confidence, leadership and mentorship skills of our trainees. Three trainees (Evangelista, Chang-Sui and Mongeau) have assisted in the teaching of our core lab. We have reported on the transformation that takes place in students taking the course and now have come to realize that teaching the course could be of equal or greater value. GSIs work closely with interdisciplinary teams comprised of biologists and engineers for six hours per week. They have the opportunity to explain the state of the field and how students can take the next step towards original discovery. Using the Socratic method, they're able to shape student thinking to see collaboration benefits. CiBER IGERT GSIs are learning approaches they will build upon in their own future labs. Although we will not make teaching the lab a formal requirement, we will encourage trainees to consider the opportunity.