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Growth of graphene films on metal substrates at high rates

Trainee Achievements

Growth of graphene films on metal substrates at high rates

Nasir Memon (Rutgers, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering) has been researching the growth of graphene films on metal substrates at high rates using a novel flame synthesis process. When utilizing flames, the combustion of hydrocarbon gas provides both the high temperature and carbon species necessary for the growth of graphene, resulting in an efficient and robust process. The novel method developed includes the use of multiple inverse-diffusion flames, where post-flame species and temperatures are radially-uniform upon deposition at a substrate. Finally, the method is scalable and capable of continuous operation in an open-ambient environment, presenting the possibility of large-area processing. Nasir’s work has been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at conferences. This work has also resulted in at least one patent application.