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City-scale GHG emissions accounting methods

Trainee Achievements

City-scale GHG emissions accounting methods

Abel Chavez successfully defended his dissertation in the Spring of 2012. His research explores city-scale greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions accounting methods. He has been the first to compare the three leading GHG emission accounting methods side-by-side, achieved through a meta-study of more than 20 US cities. Dr. Chavez’ research results have resulted in a typology for cities, and a clear articulation of the Total GHG Footprint for cities. He looks to expand on his international research completed for Delhi, India.

His work in India has been accepted for publication: Chavez, A., Ramaswami, A., Dwarakanath, N., Guru, R.R., & Kumar, E. (2011). Implementing Expanded Geographic-Based Greenhouse Gas Accounting for Delhi, India: Data Availability and Methods. Journal of Industrial Ecology, In Press.