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Trainees receive recognition for their work

Trainee Achievements

Trainees receive recognition for their work

COSI-IGERT trainees received a variety of recognitions for their work, presentations, and trajectories. Martha Bodine, Callie Fiedler and Dennis Gardner Jr. were awarded graduate research fellowships from the NSF, Dennis Gardner was also awarded a Predoctoral Fellowship by the Ford Foundation. Juan Ramirez Jr. received the 2011 Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science National Conference Best Graduate Student Research Presentation Award in Applied Mathematics, while Kevin Dean and Kathleen Hoogeboom-Pot obtained two of the three Best Poster awards given during the Colorado Photonics Industry Association Annual Meeting and Student poster contest. Kathleen Hoogeboom-Pot was also selected by the Department of Energy to be US delegate to the 2012 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Physics to be held in July in Lindau, Germany. Finally, Daniel Kaslovsky was awarded an NSF Posdoctoral Fellowship upon his graduation from the University of Colorado.