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Trainee publish and present IGERT work

Trainee Achievements

Trainee publish and present IGERT work

IGERT Bioremediation trainee Doug Hakkarinen published his work Multi-Level Diskless Checkpointing in IEEE Transactions on Computing Journal. He also presented Reduced Data Communication for Parallel CMA-ES for REACTS at the The 20th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing.

IGERT Bioremediation trainee Martin Dangelmayr conducted field site analyses of ongoing bioremediation efforts at the IFRC site, Rifle, CO. Analyses of DOC, organic acids, and SUVA confirmed proposed hypothesis of post-simulation release of microbially produced organic matter. Initial work was presented at the American Chemical Society Conference, Aug 2011, in Denver.

IGRET Bioremediation trainee Alejandra Tarrell presented her experimental plans for a geophysical study on individual parameters pertinent to bioremediation at the American Geophysical Union Conference, Dec 2011, in San Francisco.