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Trainees complete interdisciplinary classes

Education Achievements

Trainees complete interdisciplinary classes

Our program requires trainees to take courses outside their main discipline. Specifically, they are required to take courses in non STEM disciplines like economics, psychology, policy, or law. During the AA 2011-2012, the trainees took two interdisciplinary classes each. Each class that the students attended was reviewed and approved by the INSPIRE education committee. The number of classes attended by our trainees is substantial: ranging from introductory Microeconomics course offered by the NYU Wagner School of Public Policy to Values Embodied in Design of Information and Communications Technology in NYU's Department of Media, Culture, and Communications. As part of the IGERT course development component, we further developed the course titled "Psychology and Security" that was originally designed and co-taught by Jim Lewis a psychology professor at NYU-Poly and Nasir Memon, a computer science professor. This course was offered in Fall 2011 and two IGERT trainees took this course.