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Trainees work on interdisciplinary research

Research Achievements

Trainees work on interdisciplinary research

Through our program the trainees have made significant steps foward in developing interdisciplinary research. The exposure to non STEM courses has helped our trainees to broaden the horizon of their interests. Moreover, the opportunity to interact with students and faculty outside of their own department has and will continue to be an important asset in doing interdisciplinary research. In particular, Trainee Russel Ford has made significant progresses in outlining several proposals for novel research in the area of cellular network architecture that incorporate elements of economic theory as the multidisciplinary theme of his work. Trainee Tzipora Halevi is currently conducting research in Psychology and Privacy. After taking the class offered by Prof. Memon on Psychology and Privacy, Tzipora started to look at the correlation between the psychological traits of users and their Facebook behavior as it relates to privacy.