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Symposium: Collaborative approaches to nanoscience research

Trainee Achievements

Symposium: Collaborative approaches to nanoscience research

Trainees Karole Blythe, Julian Villarreal, Guru Khalsa and Micah Glaz organized a 2-day symposium "Collaborative Approaches to Nanoscience Research", May 21-23. The symposium brought together together eminent researchers in the field of nanoscience. Speakers include Jane Alexander, previously head of DARPA; Peter Nordlander, Stephan Link, and Christy Landes from Rice University; Jason McNeill from Clemson University; Jie Zheng and Ray Baughman from UT Dallas. They invited graduate students, research staff and faculty from across disciplines. Attended by over 50 people, the symposium included short talks from IGERT trainees describing their research. Besides topics on the cutting edge of plasmonics, carbon nanotubes andcancer research, Jane Xan Alexander, keynote speaker addressed nanoscience collaboration and funding concerns and Christy Landes, Rice University spoke about things to think about in research collaborations aside from the science.