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Trainees create outreach program for high school students

Education Achievements

Trainees create outreach program for high school students

The trainees created EnGen Roadshow, an outreach program that demonstrates clean energy science, technology, and policy through an interactive lecture and hands-on demonstrations. These were designed for high school students as the trainees felt they were not exposed to the fundamentals of clean energy when they were in high school. They hope to show the relevance of math and science education on real world problems. In designing and refining this outreach program, the trainees had to develop materials that simplified complex issues and yet were still engaging to their audience. The trainees all share the duties of the outreach program, rotate who will present at the high schools, and train each other on how to give the presentations. With feedback received from high school teachers after each presentation, the trainees continually modify and improve the outreach program. The EnGen Roadshow began in May 2011 and will have presented at 4 high schools during this reporting period.