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Learning portal for teaching sustainable science

Research Achievements

Learning portal for teaching sustainable science

The Reflective Living (RL) Group of our IGERT is collaborating with Nobel Laureate Lee Hartwell and ASU’s Center for Sustainable Health on creating a learning portal for teaching sustainable science. The Sustainably Science for Teachers course will be offered online to 1000 students at a time, with weekly 30-person physical group meetings. We are using the integrative arts, science and engineering knowledge of our IGERT to develop a social platform where course participants can securely upload and share locally meaningful assignments, lesson plans and concept maps. The site will analyze social activities (comments, favorites, views etc.) to gauge participant interest and raise awareness of similarities and overlaps between students and their assignment output. In addition, the site will make recommendations for potential collaborations and emerging areas of interest. The goal of the portal is to promote participant engagement with the course materials in a community-focused manner.