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Awards recognitions at the PVSC-38 Conference in Austin



The Solar Economy (SEIGERT)


Purdue University
(West Lafayette, IN)


Rakesh Agrawal

Trainee Achievements

Awards recognitions at the PVSC-38 Conference in Austin

Jim Moore received Best Student oral presentation, Chuck Hages won best poster award, and Erick Sheets received best poster nomination. Bryce Walker and Chuck Hages received Energy Material Forum Travel to attend MRS Spring 2013 Conference. Nathan Carter received best Summer Undergraduate Research Mentor Award for Summer 2012. Erik Sheet received the coveted Excellence in Teaching Award from the graduating seniors. Bryce Walker received a scholarship to attend US-Columbia Workshop on Nanotechnology in Medellin, Colombia. Dharik’s presentation at the annual AIChE meeting was recognized as best presentation in the Process Design 1 session. He also received Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Fellowship from the National Academies and spent three months there. Brandon Aguirre received NSF travel grant and HE NAAC/Robert and Debbie Amezcua Scholarship.