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Social regulatory processes in older adulthood

Trainee Achievements

Social regulatory processes in older adulthood

Shannon Mejia, a second year trainee, studies social regulatory processes in older adulthood and associated data visualization, which may facilitate and encourage specific health behaviors. She uses online studies to measure health and well-being in the context of individuals’ daily lives. Analysis of data from an earlier 100-day on-line study of older adults’ self-regulatory processes was followed by the development of a personalized visualization “dashboard” based on an algorithm informed by the earlier on-line study. The algorithm allows optimal choices of which data to display and in what representation. Her published research includes: 1) Mejía, S. T. & Hooker, K. (2013). Social regulatory processes in later life: A web-based microlongitudinal study. Psychology and Aging. doi: 10.1037/a0032474n and 2) Mejía, S. T. & Hooker, K. (2013). Relationship processes within the social convoy: Structure, function, and social goals. Journal of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences.