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Trainees benefit from Education and Outreach program

Education Achievements

Trainees benefit from Education and Outreach program

IGERT trainees are beneficiaries from and for the Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology’s Education and Outreach (E&O) program. IGERT trainees have benefited from the E&O program by gaining experience in curriculum development, outreach strategies, and mentoring. They have benefited the program by serving as mentors and contributing to the various programs’ development. This year, the IGERT trainees helped our Tech-Link (robotics camp for kids with disabilities) team advance to the regional competition, a challenging feat that had not occurred in over 5 years. IGERT trainees experience mentoring extends past K-12 students—IGERT students also gain experience mentoring undergraduate students in our Research Experience for Undergraduates and Research Experience for Teachers program. This not only teaches IGERT trainees project management skills, but also how to communicate their research to general audiences.