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Proteomics data analysis

Research Achievements

Proteomics data analysis

IGERT Trainee Jignesh Parikh in Parikh, J. R., Askenazi, M., Ficarro, S. B., Cashorali, T., Webber, J. T., Blank, N. C., Zhang, Y., & Marto, J. A. (2009). multiplierz: An Extensible API Based Desktop Environment for Proteomics Data Analysis. BMC Bioinformatics: Software (Submitted)

Efficient analysis of mass spectrometry-based proteomics experiments requires access to native mass spectrometry files, output from algorithms that assign peptide sequence to MS/MS spectra, and annotation for proteins and pathways from various database sources. We describe multiplierz, a flexible and open-source desktop environment for comprehensive proteomics data analysis. We use this framework to expose a prototype version of our recently proposed common API (mzAPI) designed for direct access to proprietary mass spectrometry files. multiplierz supports generation of information rich, portable spreadsheet-based reports and can be deployed by end users with little or no system administration support.