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Trainee has unique international educational experience

Trainee Achievements

Trainee has unique international educational experience

Funding provided by the IGERT program allowed IGERT trainee Jason Farmer to continue a unique international educational experience this year. This funding allowed him to perform research in Berlin Germany for three months at the Fritz-Haber-Institute, advised by one of the premier scientists in his field of research, Professor Hans-Joachim Freund. The world class training received, along with the unique advanced instrumentation to which he had access, allowed him to explore a research project not possible at UW. While in Europe, he was able to meet with collaborators at the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg, enabling valuable scientific discussions that will improve their collaborative research project. He was also able to gain experience in communicating with non-native speakers and in presenting his results in an internationals etting. He reports: "I feel that this unique graduate school experience will continue to shape my scientific development for years to come."