Member Profile
Michelle Brown
A featured contribution.
Recognition (7)
Michelle has been mentioned in the following items.
Trafficking of endomembranes in Arabidopsis thaliana
The trafficking of endomembranes within cells relies on a complex and dynamic network of vesicles. To understand this network, UC Riverside’s ChemGen IGERT fellow Michelle Brown, Professor Natasha... More »
Trafficking of endomembranes in Arabidopsis thaliana
The trafficking of endomembranes within cells relies on a complex and dynamic network of vesicles….
Dissecting dynamic endosomal recycling in plants.
A National Science foundation ChemGen Interdisciplinary Graduate Research and Training (ChemGen IGERT)…
Trainees mentor NSF-REU undergraduates
Continuing a tradition, UCR ChemGen IGERT fellows mentored NSF-REU and other undergraduates. To…
Discovery of small molecules that alter plant traits in a beneficial manner
The goal of University of California Riverside’s Center for Plant Cell Biology Chemical Genomics…
Mentoring undergraduates in research
Cultivating interest of school-age-students in interdisciplinary science, a goal of University of…
Increasing the exposure of school-age-children to real science
ChemGen IGERT fellows volunteered in activities that benefit high school and younger students. For…
Cheminformatic analysis tools for chemical biologists
Cheminformatic, bioinformatic and image database infrastructure development. A fundamental challenge…