Member Profile
Claudia Rawn
A featured contribution.
Recognition (6)
Claudia has been mentioned in the following items.
Graduates begun professional careers abroad
The first two graduates of the STAIR program, Dr. Qifei Wang (IGERT associate, advised by Prof. David Keffer) and Dr. Michelle Everett (IGERT trainee, advised by Prof. Claudia Rawn), have begun their... More »
The first two graduates of the STAIR program, Dr. Qifei Wang (IGERT associate, advised by Prof….
Michelle Everett, a National Science Foundation-funded Integrative Graduate Education and Research…
Dr. Jimmy Mays and Dr. Suxiang Deng comprise the synthetic group within the STAIR (Sustainable Technology…
Dr. Keffer has accepted a Fulbright grant as a “Distinguished Lectureship” in the Department…
IGERT Trainee, Michelle Minton, under the advising of Prof. Claudia Rawn has synthesized metal porphyrin…
The Sustainable Technology through Interdisciplinary Research (STAIR) program is a newly funded National…