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Joseph Ross Jr.
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Contribution (28)
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Shape memory polymers research earns awards
Brent Volk completed his dissertation this year on shape memory polymers, a relatively new class of active materials that store a shape and yet return to an original configuration upon application... More »
Brent Volk completed his dissertation this year on shape memory polymers, a relatively new class…
Brad Ewers conducts his PhD research in the laboratory of James Batteas, involving self-assembled…
The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. track in Mathematics was developed during the course of our IGERT program,…
The Graduates Reaching for Excellence in Academics and Teaching (GREAT) program at Texas A&M…
In the aerospace and other industries, the development of a material capable of withstanding extreme,…
Design of adaptive composite materials is a focus of our IGERT. Such materials include shape memory…
Shape memory alloys (SMAs), another focus, have important uses for example as actuators for medical…
Multiscale modeling, for example microscopic treatment of specific domains coupled to averaging of…
Fracture is one of the most important issues in the design of materials for aircraft and other structures….
Tissue engineering is a major emerging field of biomedical research, with the potential to allow…
Lauren Ferguson has worked to construct a numerical simulator for brittle fracture using a new fracture…
This year, Darren Hartl completed his Ph.D. research and defended his dissertation, "Modeling of…
This year a focus on energy harvesting by IGERT faculty across five departments was recognized through…
Shape memory alloys (SMAs), a focus of several of our IGERT faculty and students, have important…
In new results, trainee Maxwell and advisors Whitcomb and Ounaies developed global/local analysis…
Our IGERT faculty have continued to develop new courses designed for the IGERT curriculum, and to…
The Interdisciplinary Ph.D. track in Mathematics began accepting students in Spring 2009, and during…
This year, trainee Brent Volk’s work has led to a calibrating a new model for the large deformation…
This was the first full year of the Institute for Applied Mathematics and Computational Science…
A team involving IGERT Advisor Zhang has developed ways to produce alloys with high strength and…
IGERT co-PI Walton is co-PI and Deputy Director for Education overseeing Graduate and Postdoctoral…
This year Karaman’s group demonstrated new energy-harvesting concepts based on magnetic shape…
Other educational efforts associated with our IGERT included Balbuena’s work with senior Chemical…
Brent Volk, under the guidance of IGERT co-PI Lagoudas, has focused on characterization of shape…
Tracey Wellington has been studying the physics of molecular magnets, while also serving in leadership…
Darren Hartl’s research on shape memory alloys includes analysis of multi-component aerospace…
New courses developed for IGERT students include the Computational Materials Science and Engineering…
The collaboration led by Walton (CoPI) and Slattery (Advisor) has made new progress in improving…