Member Profile
Kostas Daniilidis
A featured contribution.
Contribution (12)
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Recognition (1)
Kostas has been mentioned in the following items.
Encoding of Ultrasonic Vocalizations in the Auditory Cortex
As President Obama laid out in his recent address, developing new technologies for exploring the function of circuits of neurons is the next frontier of American research. Our research is focused on... More »
As President Obama laid out in his recent address, developing new technologies for exploring the…
IGERT faculty Dan Lee and Alan Stocker have an ongoing cross-disciplinary collaboration on applying…
IGERT associate Drew Jaegle (Neuroscience), as a result of a presentation given by IGERT associate…
IGERT trainee Nicu Stiurca developed a system for autonomous real-time localization of very small…
A first group of IGERT trainees are now completing the IGERT foundational course developed by Alan…
IGERT trainee Nicu Stiurca developed a system for vision-based localization of very small size unmanned…
Trainee Isaac Caruthers’ research aims to identify the neural codes that represent distinct objects…
Trainee Adam Gifford works in the area of higher order auditory perception, studying how spectro-temporal…
Trainees Josh Julian and Alex Keinath did a course project on gist extraction from images for an…
The foundational course “Experimental Methods in Perception” was developed and implemented with our…
We implemented a weekly journal club, specifically for the IGERT trainees, although other graduate…
An integrative graduate seminar was specifically developed in anticipation of future needs of trainees…
Kostas Daniilidis served as a judge for the NSF IGERT 2011 Online Poster Competition