Member Profile
Barbara Entwisle
A featured contribution.
Contribution (29)
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Recognition (1)
Barbara has been mentioned in the following items.
Participatory learning through the research process
The CPC IGERT approach to training has been one of participatory learning through the research process….
During fall 2011, IGERT faculty Paul Voss taught for the second time his “Bayes for Beginners” short…
IGERT faculty Stephen Walsh submitted a proposal entitled “Social & Ecological Sustainability…
Also led by IGERT faculty Paul Voss, a second short course in Spatial Regression met eight times…
IGERT faculty Paul Leslie continues to lead a multi-institutional collaborative research project…
In a very competitive environment for external funding, CPC IGERT trainees were successful with their…
IGERT trainees Amy McCleary & Kim Engie, both PhD candidates in Geography (Steve Walsh, project…
In an innovative interdisciplinary doctoral dissertation, IGERT trainee Veronica Escamilla combined…
IGERT trainee Timothy Baird (Geography) successfully defended his dissertation, “Conservation…
During summer 2009, IGERT trainee Sophia Giebultowicz and Carolina Population Center undergraduate…
Drawing on skills from a new CPC-IGERT course offered by IGERT faculty fellow Stephen Walsh, students…
Beginning in fall 2009, CPC trainees began providing the speaker introductions for the Center’s…
In a very competitive environment for external funding, CPC IGERT trainees were successful with…
Christine Erlien (IGERT alumna; 2008 PhD, UNC-CH Geography) brings IGERT skills to the Duke University…
UNC’s IGERT program builds on linkage, analysis, and interpretation of social, spatial, and environmental…
The Center for Galapagos Studies is the coordinating unit for UNC’s Galapagos Initiative that marshals…
Drawing on skills from a new CPC-IGERT course offered by IGERT faculty fellow Stephen Walsh, students…
In a highly innovative MA thesis, IGERT trainee Ashton Verdery combined applied mathematics and…
CPC IGERT trainee James Hull (Sociology) defended his dissertation in December 2009 and began a…
IGERT faculty and current and former trainees from multiple disciplines (anthropology, biostatistics,…
UNC’s IGERT program builds on linkage, analysis, and interpretation of social, spatial, and…
A new two-hour workshop on modeling spatial-temporal data was given to IGERT trainees and other…
IGERT trainee Tim Baird incorporated his experiences and perspectives gained from two years of fieldwork…
Drawing on skills from a new CPC-IGERT course offered by IGERT Stephen Walsh, students from ecology,…
Four CPC IGERT trainees completed their PhDs during the reporting period: Christine Erlien (Duke…
In a paper published this past year, an interdisciplinary and international group of scientists…
Social networks are fundamental to social life, but network data for general populations are rare….
In a very competitive environment for external funding, CPC IGERT trainees were successful with…
Over the past several years, IGERT faculty Paul Leslie has initiated a series of integrative, interdisciplinary…
UNC’s IGERT program in population and environment has contributed to the creation of a new institutional…