Member Profile
Joane Nagel
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Recognition (2)
Joane has been mentioned in the following items.
Trainee awarded internship with AAAS
IGERT Trainee Laci Gerhart was awarded an internship with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), where she worked in the Office of Government Relations in Washington, D.C.... More »
IGERT Trainee Laci Gerhart was awarded an internship with the American Association for the Advancement…
To broaden trainee exposure to experts in the field of Climate Science and Policy. We asked all…
IGERT-Affiliated faculty Jay Johnson (Geography), Gene Rankey (Geology), and Johan Feddema (Geography)…
IGERT Trainee Tony Reames (Science Policy) attended the First International Conference on Urbanisation…
IGERT Trainee Anthony Layzell (Geography) prepared a report commissioned by the Kansas Water Office…
To promote collaboration between IGERT Trainees and Haskell Indian Nations University and other…
IGERT Trainee Adam Sundberg was awarded the American Society for Environmental History’s Rothman…
IGERT Trainee Brian Rumsey was one of twenty graduate students chosen to participate in the NSF-sponsored…
In March, 2013, IGERT Trainees Jacob Carter and Tony Layzell, and IGERT Associate Saatvika Rai organized…
Based on research started in the spring 2012 IGERT C-CHANGE course, Climate Change in Greenland &…
IGERT Trainee Paula Smith presented research at the 2012 International Polar Year conference in Montreal,…
IGERT Trainee Laci Gerhart received an NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for her proposal,…
IGERT Trainee Marie-Odile Fortier was selected by the University of Kansas Environmental Engineering…
The collaborative paper written by the IGERT trainees in the 2011 course, “Climates and Borders,”…
IGERT Trainee Hannah Owens received an NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement grant for her proposal,…
In the IGERT seminars “Climates & Borders” and “Climate Change in Greenland and the Arctic” (each…
During the summer of 2011 5 IGERT Trainees and 11 Haskell University, University of Hawaii, Hilo,…
We asked all Trainees and Associates to identify three experts in their field whom they would like…
IGERT Trainee Laci Gerhart published a paper in New Phytologist called Glacial trees from the La…
IGERT Trainee Laci Gerhart published her second paper in 2010 in the refereed journal, New Phytologist…
Paula Smith is a graduate of Haskell Indian Nations University and a member of the Sisseton Wahpeton…
During summers 2009 and 2010 a total of 12 IGERT Trainees and Associates and 16 tribal college undergraduates…
C-CHANGE IGERT Trainees complete a teaching internship working with tribal college undergraduates…
Desired Goal: To promote mentoring relationships between IGERT Trainees and Haskell Indian Nations…
Desired Goal: To teach IGERT Trainees how to work on a large interdisciplinary project in working…
IGERT Trainee Jodi Gentry co-authored a poster, titled "Application of Geographic Information Systems…
The Fall 2009 IGERT course, "Climates & Borders: Monarch Butterflies and Local Economies in…
Trainee Alvin Bonilla presented a poster, "Paleoceanographic Conditions During the Cretaceous Greenhouse…
Four IGERT Associates and Trainees, Julia Brandes (economics), Rebecca Crosthwait (anthropology),…
IGERT Trainee Trish Jackson (geography) presented research conducted in coordination with IGERT…
Dr. Greg Cushman, IGERT participating faculty member and environmental historian, followed the trail…
Desired Goal: To broaden trainee exposure to experts in the field of Climate Science and Policy….
Desired goal: How do we get trainees to share their disciplinary knowledge with others in ways that…
Relevance of Science Policy to Disciplinary Research: Trainees from biological, geological, and…
Co-PI D. Braaten was involved in an interdisciplinary International Polar Year project to conduct…
IGERT Associate Linda Williams presented a paper entitled, ‘US Agricultural Policy and Climate…
IGERT Associate Alexis Reed presented a poster titled, ‘Keeping Our Forests Forested: The…
IGERT Associate Alvin Bonilla Rodriguez presented a poster titled, ‘Historic Reconstruction…
Desired goal: How do we get trainees to share their disciplinary toolkit and methodologies with…
Relevance of Climate Change Science to Political Policy: Trainee from policy science wrote a research…
C-CHANGE IGERT Trainees complete a teaching internship working with tribal college undergraduates…
During summers 2009 and 2010 a total of 12 IGERT Trainees and Associates and 16 tribal college undergraduates…