Member Profile
Martin Schoonen
A featured contribution.
Contribution (29)
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Recognition (1)
Martin has been mentioned in the following items.
Trainee-HS student collaborate in project
A project was initiated by PI Tsirka exploring the effects of metals on immune cells of the central…
PI Schoonen initiated collaboration with faculty in Infectious Disease center at Stony Brook University….
The trainees and the 3MT PI participated in a two-day, hands-on, workshop on team building. The workshop…
Another day of scientific presentations and feedback on their progress was completed on the final…
Geosciences student Andrea Harrington published a paper that describes a new protocol for determining…
Trainee Millicent Schmidt and 3MT faculty member Richard Reeder, both Geosciences, used advanced…
A study coauthored by trainee Jillian Cypser and 3MT faculty member Tsirka was published setting…
The 3MT IGERT program organized two half-day seminars related to the health effects caused by the…
IGERT project has led to several new protocols to quantify the interaction of earth materials with…
Trainee Onika Murray was invited to participate as co-Chair in a scientific panel in a cancer meeting…
We have continued our outreach to the science programs of the high schools in our area. We approached…
3MT IGERT Trainees Christina Bergonzo and AJ Campbell mentored Ruoyi Jiang, Individual Grand Prize…
Trainee Shavonne Hylton presented her work at the Geological Society meeting in Oregon in October…
In the February 2010 we organized a working lunch at the University Incubator. The incubator houses…
Zinc, the second most abundant element in the brain, interacts with tissue plasminogen activator…
Trainees Shawn Fisher (Brownawell Lab), Shavonne Hylton (Schoonen and Tsirka labs), Kelly Morgan…
Mentor Carlos Simmerling and 3MT trainees in his lab (Campbell, Bergonzo) mentored high school InStar…
On 12/9/ 09 we held our 4th “Bridging the Gap” symposium. The speaker, Dr Robert Finkelman (Univ…
All the IGERT trainees presented short talks/descriptions of their research to the local high school…
The IGERT trainees attended a workshop on 4/21/10 to sharpen their skills on the elevator resume…
On 3/30/09 we held our 3rd annual “Bridging the Gap” symposium. Affiliate faculty member Dr. Marty…
Trainees Shawn Fisher (Brownawell Lab) and Shavonne Hylton (Schoonen Lab) are working together to…
Metal uptake in the marine food chain is an important public health issue. Trainee Jessica Dutton…
In the previous reporting period we had defined that zinc, the second most abundant element in the…
In this last year we have significantly increased the use of Black Board as our electronic, virtual…
On July 17, 2008, we held a retreat at Southampton, NY. We devoted part of the retreat to a grant…
Trainee and AGEP member, Shavonne Hylton, served as a biological sciences poster judge and mentor…
Trainees Jessica Dutton and Shawn Fisher presented their work at the SETAC North America 29th Annual…
Trainee Jaime Emmetsberger presented her work on ’Tissue plasminogen activator promotes neuronal…
On July 17, 2008, we held a retreat at Southampton, NY. We devoted part of the retreat to a grant…