Member Profile
Bruce Wilcox
A featured contribution.
Contribution (35)
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Recognition (2)
Bruce has been mentioned in the following items.
Measuring the growth rate of Dengue virus from outbreaks
Trainee Argon Steel, in collaboration with Duane Gubler, world expert on Dengue virus at Duke-National University of Singapore medical school, has learned the difficult techniques necessary to successfully... More »
Trainee Argon Steel, in collaboration with Duane Gubler, world expert on Dengue virus at Duke-National…
A major research thrust of our IGERT is investigating the factors that govern the relationship between…
Connecting ecology, conservation and pathogen biology across diverse trainees in our IGERT program…
Trainee Steel also contributed to training and research at his host institution Duke-National University…
Fellow Michael Norris has pioneered new techniques applied to the study of the infectious process…
In September 2011 Trainee Sean Macduff was invited to participate as a panel member in the Asia Pacific…
Principal Investigator Bruce Wilcox with trainees Holly Jessop and Kira Krend helped design and organize…
Assistant researcher for the IGERT program Yvonne Chan coordinated a Next Generation Sequencing Workshop….
IGERT faculty Durrell Kapan has been working with high school teachers and students West Hawaii Explorations…
Trainee Kaipo Perez has been awarded numerous prestigious awards for his interdisciplinary dissertation…
Trainee Holly Jessop was awarded Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 University of Hawaii at Manoa Graduate…
Associate Panpim Thongsripong won the best poster presentation award at the 2012 annual spring meeting,…
IGERT students and faculty have designed and implemented an ecological investigation into mosquito…
Trainee Michael Norris is working with MGGen at Northern Arizona University Pathogen Genomics Center,…
Trainee Kaipo Perez has worked with The Kohala Center as well as other public, private, and non-governmental…
The bacterium Burkholderia pseudomallei is endemic to Southeast Asia and Northern Australia and causes…
The Hawaiian Islands and other islands of the Pacific have already seen severe losses of biodiversity…
IGERT students and faculty have been collaborating with veterinary researchers to begin the first…
IGERT Trainee Holly Jessop played a key role assisting with the consolidation of curriculum development…
The experience gained, materials developed, and the research conducted made possible by our IGERT…
Trainee Mike Norris developed the techniques for producing a bacterial vaccine strain and showing…
IGERT Fellow Brandi Mueller and faculty Dr. Shannon Bennett and Dr. Brett Ellis of our disease ecology…
IGERT Trainee Jack Kittinger led a collaborative project reconstructing changes in coral reef ecosystem…
IGERT students and faculty from our research cluster on marine conservation and health have been…
As part of our program’s international component and after substantial planning a preparation during…
After the previous three years of developing and testing our IGERT core curriculum’s lecture, laboratory…
We have developed a highly interactive course in Thailand that directly involves both IGERT fellows…
IGERT Fellow Michael Norris developed and tested new strategies for genetic manipulation and targeted…
Jennifer Schultz became our first IGERT Fellow to complete her PhD degree, finishing her doctoral…
IGERT Fellow Kira Krend has completed the first comprehensive study of disease ecology and epidemiology…
Our IGERT has for two years now organized and hosted an international transdisciplinary symposium….
A team of IGERT Fellows (Schultz, Kittinger, Prescott and Fa’anunu) and faculty (Wilcox, Kapan,…
IGERT Graduate Fellows Jack Kittinger and Jenny Schultz both were awarded the Mia J. Tegner Memorial…
This year our IGERT organized several professional development workshops designed around the requests…
Two years ago, IGERT students (Schultz, Kittinger, Prescott and Fa’anunu) and faculty (Wilcox,…
Principal Investigator Bruce Wilcox with trainees Holly Jessop and Kira Krend helped design and organize…
Trainee Luc Rougee and IGERT staff member Ronald Paik were trained and helped implement a distance…